Bid Writing Service

We recognise that bid writing can be daunting, time consuming and may drain your human resources, especially if you are an SME. Using an experienced bid management company like ours provides access to trained and experienced bid specialists who know exactly how to approach bid writing. We ensure our writers are friendly and accommodating and can refine their approach to suit your needs: Customer service is as important to us as the bid writing itself.

We have unique experience in that many of our writers have an in-depth knowledge of public procurement and public sector policy (indeed, our Managing Director was previously a public procurement professional in the NHS and Government). This experience informs the bid writing approach for everything we do. Additionally, we have in place a thorough quality assurance process which follows APMP best practice methodology. All of this ensures we will provide you with the best possible opportunity for success.

We have experience of helping our clients win bids for most (if not all) UK public bodies in sectors such as Local Authority, Central Government, MOD, Universities & Colleges, NHS, Housing Associations, Charities and many more.

Our Bid Writing Process

We will fully review your tender documentation and within 24 hours provide you with a quote to deliver the work. Once the quote is accepted, your nominated bid writer will contact you to introduce themselves and subsequently develop a bid plan, which considers key timelines, our quality assurance process and completion date. The plan is backdated from the tender deadline to ensure adequate time for each stage.

Framework Agreements

We have an established formula and exceptional experience of winning our clients places on big framework agreements, such as those run by Crown Commercial Services (CCS), ESPO, YPO, NHS SBS, LUPC, NEUPC, Scottish Procurement and many more. Framework agreements are a great way to win repeat public sector work. We will work with you to identify appropriate frameworks and DPS opportunities and develop a pipeline of when they are due to be re-tendered.

If you think you might need longer term help with your public sector bidding and are interested in winning more than one public sector contract or winning places on several Framework Agreements, then our ongoing Bid Management Service might work well for you.

Request our services


Queensgate House, 48 Queen Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 3SR. 

01392 247997 or

(C) Winning Tenders Ltd 2021